Get Success in Commercial Financing, Funding and Financial requirements

Commercial financing success requires a current working knowledge of potential funders, a well-prepared funding package, and the ability to work within the time constraints of a project. There are 5 steps that the Sumex team follows to ensure your success.

  1. Assess the requirements and make recommendations.
  2. Information gathering, informal lender inquiries, and strategy development.
  3. Complete the funding package and refine the strategy.
  4. Present the funding package, accept the offer and negotiate the terms.
  5. Work with the lender and client to close the deal, get the funding and ensure monitor post funding progress.

Assess the requirements and make recommendations

First, we assess your financing requirements and the potential for success as quickly as possible. We review the timing and options with you and agree on the strategy and terms.

Strategy development

Second, while beginning to gather information and prepare the financing package, we discretely review the funding requirements with potential funders. Based on the information available and the requirements of the funders the strategy is finalized.

Funding package preparation

Third, we complete the funding application package with the format and key attributes required for success. An inadequate or poorly prepared package will often result in a decline from funders, even if the project might be worthy of an investment. Funders assess projects based on a well-established risk rating process and the funding application is where they will get most of their information. A poorly prepared application can also indicate poor management with also increase the risk of project success.

Obtain funding offers

Fourth, we present the funding application and assist in negotiating the best possible terms. With our experience and knowledge of the funder requirements we know what will be acceptable. In addition, until the deal gets funded there are many issues that need to be considered. Commercial mortgages typically require third party appraisals, environmental reports, current financial information, engineering reports, and more. Some of the requirements can take significant effort to coordinate and follow up and if not managed or monitored can create risk in closing successfully.

Close the deal

Fifth, we stay engaged with the client and the lender during the closing, the funding and beyond. If issues arise we remain ready and willing to assist. And with the information we have prepared, we are also able to get a head start on the next financing project for you.